Wednesday 14 December 2011

Yoga Meditation 4221 - Eating living foods. Sunflower Greens

One of the best ways to enjoy the nutrition of a sunflower is by eating its sprouts. Sunflower sprouts boast a surprising 25 percent protein. They are also rich in stress-busting vitamin B and hormone-balancing zinc. Their sweet taste and hearty texture make a great addition to any salad.

Five healthy reasons to eat sunflower sprouts
1. Boost your fertility with sunflower seeds and sprouts: Both sunflower seeds and their sprouts contain high amounts of zinc. Zinc is a well-researched mineral that is essential for the development of sperm, which is why it is especially important for men.

2. Sunflower sprouts are high in B vitamins, especially folate: Folate (or folic acid) is a necessary B vitamin for pregnant women, needed to ensure proper development of the baby’s nervous system. The combination of B vitamins also assists in the mother’s circulation as well as aids in stress relief.

3. Boost your antioxidant capacity with sunflower sprouts: Both sunflower seeds and their sprouts contain high amounts of vitamin E. Vitamin E works synergistically with vitamin C and selenium to reduce blood pressure, increase the elasticity of arteries and prevent heart disease.

4. The sunflower sprout is a natural expectorant for chest congestion: In Ayurvedic medicine, these sprouts are thought to have the ability to encourage clearance of the lungs. Natural expectorants may also be used as a preventative measure against lower respiratory infections to deter the invasion of pathogens.

5. Sunflower seed sprouts are a great vegetarian source of protein: Protein is well known for its ability to repair muscle tissue and aid in enzymatic functions in the body. But protein is also important in bone development and the prevention of osteoporosis, as it acts as the fundamental framework for the development of the bone matrix and continues to support bone strength throughout life.

Sprout to life shake

Sprouts are a live food, which makes many nutrients more available for digestion and assimilation. Sunflower seed sprouts are rich in B vitamins and essential amino acids — precisely the nutrients your adrenal glands need to work at their optimum. Cleansing your tissues is more important for stress reduction than many people realize. If your cells are struggling to function because they are full of toxins, then you will be less resilient to stress, be it psychological, physical, or environmental.


2 cups (500 mL) filtered water
1 cup (250 mL) apple cider or juice
1 cup (250 mL) fresh pineapple, sliced
1 cup (125 mL) sunflower seed sprouts
2 tbsp (30 g) hemp or sunflower seeds
1 tbsp (15 ml) lemon juice


Add all ingredients to a blender, and mix until desired consistency is reached.
Makes 4 cups


Saturday 3 December 2011

Coconut Oil Powerful Germ Killer - Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach 4221

 Coconut Oil Kills Germs

One of the claims we constantly hear against coconut oil is that there is no research to back up any of the claims to health benefits. That is simply not true, and the research behind coconut oil’s ability to fight pathogens is well documented and well-known. Much of the research is regarding components of coconut oil or specific fatty acid extractions, since such products can be patented, while coconut oil cannot, since it is a basic dietary oil. More and more people are finding out just how powerful the medium chain fatty acids are in fighting pathogens. Here are a couple more examples:
Research done in the Philippines found monolaurin from virgin coconut oil to be comparable in effectiveness, or even more effective, in fighting Mycobacterium tuberculosis as antibiotic drugs streptomycin, isoniazid, rifampicin, and ethamburol. The study was conducted by Jonathan Cabardo in his dissertation for a PhD degree in biological science at the University of Santo Tomas. His adviser was Dr Delia Ontengco, a well known microbiologist and professor at the UST Graduate School.
A medical doctor in Florida recently saw excellent results from using coconut oil in treating Helico Pyloric Bacteria in the gut in his patients. They took one teaspoon of virgin coconut oil three times a day, and saw results as good or better than taking antibiotics. 
So as super germs continue to develop and antibiotics lose their effectiveness, look to coconut oil as a possible alternative that is 100% natural.


Friday 18 November 2011

Yoga Meditation 4221 Palm Beach Gold Coast - Has another relaxing Yoga Mantra video to share - Spiritual Essence.

Spiritual Essence
It is an unfortunate fact that if we cannot perceive or detect something with our senses we do not accept it’s existence. Therefore because we cannot perceive the soul with our gross senses, we deny it.  In reality there are so many things that are here that we cannot see. For example we cannot see our own eye lids, air, radio waves, or sound, nor can we perceive microscopic bacteria with our dull senses, but this does not mean they do not exist or are not there. With the aid of a microscope and other scientific devices, many things can now be perceived which have previously been denied by the imperfect senses.  Just because the soul, which is atomic in size has not been perceived yet by our inadequate senses or instruments, we should not conclude that it is not there. It can be perceived by it’s symptoms and effects.

We invite you to join in with our yoga meditation palm beach classes. Yoga meditation FREE class, yoga meditation and  stretch, yoga meditation relaxation classes. Namaste Yoga Meditation Palm Beach 4221 Gold Coast  Queensland Australia 

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Yoga Meditation Studio 4221 Palm Beach Gold Coast has this to share - What is Harmony.

What is Harmony?

A quick Google search will result in numerous results. Such as;

The dynamic balance that returns discord to tranquility. A state of equilibrium or equipoise.

Further searches reveal that a synonym of harmony is peace.

The question is how much harmony, peace or balance do we have in our lives? Research shows that the majority of us work full time, have 2.16 children, a mortgage and a 4 bedroom home, 2 cars, and a pet or two.

A combined 95 hour work week is not uncommon for the bread winners of an average family.

When so much of our time is taken up maintaining basic needs, there’s little wonder that our lives are in discord, that we feel pressured, stressed out and always running out of time.

Yoga meditation palm beach offers classes which will help you to relax and re-balance.

We need a combination of elements in our lives in order to create a more holistic living environment, and to exist in a state of harmony, balance & peace. The yoga teachings encourage a healthy holistic life of physical, mental and spiritual well being.

Economic development is necessary as we need to raise and support our families, but consider these words of wisdom. 

"Man cannot live by bread alone."

So much of our time is taken up maintaining the physical that we seldom consider, let alone have time to devote to, the nurturing of our mental emotional and spiritual well-being.

In order to live in harmony we need to have a balance of all three. Physical, mental and spiritual .

Come along to one of our yoga meditation palm beach classes, enquire about FREE yoga meditation classes and discover how this enjoyable practise of yoga meditation can help you to lead a more balanced life.

Stay well.

Yoga meditation studio

Palm beach 4221 

Sunday 2 October 2011

Yoga Meditation 4221Palm Beach has this for you to read about the meaning of the word holistic.


Over the next week, yoga meditation palm beach 4221 will be posting some information in regards to the word holistic and  what it means.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved offers this.

adj. ho·lis·tic  (h-lstk)

1. Of or relating to holism.
2. a. Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts.
    b. Concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into parts: holistic medicine; holistic ecology.

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003 says this:

adj holistic [həʊˈlɪstik]
1. (Philosophy) of or relating to a doctrine of holism
2. (Medicine) of or relating to the the medical consideration of the complete person, physically and psychologically, in the treatment of a disease holistically.
Yoga meditation studio Palm Beach offers holistic yoga meditation classes designed to bring awareness to mind body and spirit.
Look better, move better and feel better, come to a 30 minute holistic yoga stretch class followed by 30 mins of holistic yoga wellness relaxation. Increase health, harmony and vitality, release stress and anxiety fast.

Yoga Meditation Studio 4221
Palm Beach
Gold Coast

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Yoga Meditation 4221- Words of Wisdom to Share - Gratitude ...!


Here are 3 reasons why gratitude is good for us. They’re based on published scientific studies.

1) Gratitude makes us happier

One study compared people making a short list of their blessings each week with another group making a list of their hassles (or burdens). It was called a Blessings vs Burdens study. After 10 weeks of doing this, the blessings group were 25% happier than the burdens group.

Isn’t that incredible? What a change we can make to our happiness, especially if we have gotten into the habit living life as if we’re in the burdens group.

2) Gratitude is good for the heart

Gratitude counteracts stress so ultimately it’s beneficial to the cardiovascular system. Mental and emotional stress can take a long-term toll on the heart, increasing stress hormone levels but also free radicals and inflammation – precursors to cardiovascular disease. So a side-effect of gratitude is improved cardiovascular health.

3) Gratitude helps us achieve

Focusing on things we’re grateful for helps us to notice even more things that we’re grateful for – it’s an upward cycle, like we surf a wave.

We become more attuned to the blessings instead of the burdens of life. This simple shift of focus increases our positive feelings, increases creativity, makes us feel more energetic, and we notice more opportunities in life.

Gratitude Exercises

Here are two gratitude exercises. You can focus on one or the other, or if you really want to go for it big style then you could do them both.

1) Every day for the next 21 days, make a list of 5-10 things that you’re grateful for. It can be people, things, how you’re feeling, events, circumstances, God, the Universe, your dog….whatever you can feel grateful for.

Try to alter your list as much as you can so that you’re not writing the same things every day. This exercise works really well if you do it first thing in the morning or just before going to bed.

2) Think of a person in your life and think of all the reasons why you’re grateful for that person – what they have contributed to your life (or are contributing), how they make you feel, what they do, who they are, what they do for others, etc.

Try to do it for a different person every day until you have gone through all of your loved ones. Then you could extend it to friends and co-workers. Then, if you feel really brave, you might even try the exercise on people who cause you stress or who have hurt or offended you in the past.

As you do this, watch the way your relationships with some of these people change.

Good Luck Have Fun :)


Tuesday 2 August 2011

Yoga Meditation 4221 Palm Beach - Lord Buddha who was the 24th incarnation of Lord Krishna says:


The Mind

The Mind is often compared to a monkey. A monkey is constantly jumping from one branch to another being busy, chattering all the while.

It is referred to in the Bhagavad Gita 6.6 in this way

"For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.The mind can be ones best friend or ones worst enemy."

The subject of the mind is a very long one which we will NOT be delving into right now. Suffice it to say that the common thread regarding the mind and it's unruliness can be found in many bona fide writings through out the world, specifically those to do with yoga and meditation.

I wanted to let you know that the Yoga meditation techniques that we teach at the Yoga Meditation Studio in Palm Beach 4221 definitely help with calming the mind. Meditation is widely accepted by the general public and is often recommended by doctors as a very useful tool for relieving stress related disorders.

The mind actually has a natural attraction to yoga meditation and spiritual sound. Yoga meditation gives the mind a positive activity, something to focus on - which helps to calm and quieten the mind. When we have a relaxed and peaceful mind we automatically get a relaxed body as well as many additional health benefits.

If you feel as though the world is trying to run you over ... (I love that saying) ... If you feel as though you need some 'ME' time. Come on over and try meditation, or better yet try Yoga as well as Meditation. Just txt or call us 0404076108 and get our class details. I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised and will enjoy the experience.

Until you walk through our door

Take care


Just as a candle cannot burn without a flame
Men cannot live without spiritual life. 

Monday 1 August 2011

Yoga Meditation 4221- Being a Bully Is Bad For Your Health

ABC News Article

Being a Bully Is Bad For Your Health.

A new study suggests both bullies and their victims are at risk for problems that threaten their health, safety and education, but the bullies themselves may be more affected.

Based on a survey of nearly 9,600 US students in grades 6 to 10, researchers found that 39 per cent had been a victim or perpetrator of bullying, or in some cases both.

Compared with their peers, all of these students had a higher risk of physical injuries whether accidental, inflicted by other people, or self-inflicted, the researchers report in the International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health.

They were also more likely to abuse over-the-counter medications, harm animals or other people, use weapons or be frequently absent from school.

But while both victims and bullies were more likely to have such problems, it was bullies, including those who were sometimes injured themselves, who had the greatest risk.

"We see that the [obvious] victims are not the only victims. The bullies are also victims of their own emotional problems," lead researcher Dr Jorge Srabstein, of the Children's National Medical Centre in Washington, DC, said in a written statement.

Dr Srabstein and his colleague Dr Thomas Piazza found that students who bullied also showed some risk behaviour not seen among their victims.

For example, they were more likely than their peers to drink or use any type of drug, set fires, get poor grades and skip classes.

"[The findings] should urgently alert paediatric practitioners and educators to the need for joining efforts in the prevention of this very serious public health issue," the researchers said.

Dr Srabstein said both the perpetrators and the victims of bullying should be referred for professional help if they show problems such as those reported in this study.

Friday 29 July 2011

Yoga Meditation 4221- Holistic Practitioners are healing professionals.

Holistic Practitioners 

Are holistic healing professionals with a gift in one or more areas of healing.   From yoga teachers to body workers and homeopaths, the term holistic practitioner has become one that is often challenging to describe or understand. Saying holistic practitioner - is similar to saying doctor.  While there are general practitioners that cross along many paths, most specialise in one or more holistic methods or areas.  All therapists strive to bring a greater quality of life to their clients. That may occur through inner balance and spiritual awareness,  inner wisdom and self-empowerment, physical health and strength, and even emotional and mental confidence and stability. Qualified holistic advisers understand and live a truly holistic life themselves, incorporating mind, body, spiritual health, well being and awareness.

If you are interested in living a well balanced holistic lifestyle, or would like to come to a yoga class, yoga nidra guided meditation, or yoga meditation class be sure to contact us - Yoga meditation Studio 4221 Palm Beach Gold Coast Queensland (qld) for class details and information.


Friday 15 July 2011

Yoga Meditation 4221 - Aromatherapy, an holistic approach to health.


At its best works to heal the body and mind, healing it from various illnesses, as well as working as a stress reliever to prevent illness. Aromatherapy has been used over the years by Egyptians, Indians, Europeans, Germans, the French and many other cultures. The oils have proven to assist in relaxing the body and mind, and were used as a medicinal remedy. Applying essential oils is thought to change an individual's brain chemistry so that pleasurable neuro-transmitters called endorphins are released to relieve pain. Geranium, jasmine, juniper, lavender, peppermint, rose, rosemary and thyme are oils commonly used for this purpose.

If you would like to take part in a holistic yoga rest wellness & relaxation class which helps to relieve stress and anxiety contact holistic Yoga meditation studio 4221 Palm Beach Gold Coast Queensland Australia for class details.


Have a great week !

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Yoga Meditation 4221Yoga Meditation Studio 4221 Palm Beach - Holistic Yoga Meditation video and a Poem to share with you.

Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach Gold Coast likes short videos combined with holistic yoga meditations and ancient vedic peace mantras.
A nice poem

"What is love? 
No words can define it, 
It's something so great 
Only God could design it ... 
Wonders of Wonders, 
Beyond man's conception, 
And only in God 
Can love find true perfection..."

- Helen Steiner Rice

Om Shanti Om

(This is a peace mantra, basically meaning 'peace to all throughout the universe and the entire creation.)

If you want more information about classes, contact us Yoga meditation studio palm beach  for class times. Come join in with any of our holistic yoga classes.

All welcome.


yoga meditation studio palm beach 4221

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Yoga Meditation Studio 4221 Palm Beach Gold Coast Qld 4221 would like to Welcome You to our Blog. Have a look here for Yoga classes, Yoga stretch, Wellness Relax Revive Rejuvenate Reduce stress, FREE meditation classes and more :)

Have a look through our blog for information:

Yoga classes.

Yoga Nidra guided meditation.


Yoga stretch classes.

Yoga stretch & wellness relaxation.

On the run yoga meditation class.
Enquire about FREE yoga meditation classes.

Keep checking back for special events in your area like our -

One day MINI yoga meditation retreats. Learn, Meditate, Stretch, Breathe, Sing, Eat, and Have fun.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Om Hari Om
Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach 4221