Wednesday 25 December 2013

Namaste Christmas & Peaceful New Year 2014

Have a safe, festive family Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.

When you are ready to start working off the extra kilos you may have gained due to enjoying the yum healthy snacks you've indulged in over the holidays - check back in with Yoga Palm Beach and see what the timetable holds for 2014.
Have a look here at the facebook page also Yoga Meditation


Thursday 5 December 2013

To Do List

My To Do list for today

* count my blessings
* practice kindness
* be productive, yet calm
* let go of what i can't control
* just breathe
* tell my family how much I love them
* make a difference in someone's life

What does your To Do list look like?

Make a difference, turn your friends onto yoga, meditation, kirtan. Practice real kindness.
