When you begin your practise of hatha yoga it is not necessary to have any understanding of, or know anything about the history behind the practise of Hatha Yoga. However, most people are a little bit curious. You may also find that just by knowing a little about the story behind yoga asana practise that this may increase your interest in the spiritual side of yoga.
The very first writings about yoga poses was written in Sanskrit which is a very old language, not often used these days. The information was written in ancient manuscripts in India called the Vedas. It was approximately 5000 years ago that the philosophy of yoga asanas was committed to paper, prior to that it was passed along orally from person to person. Yoga is not just about stretching, breathing and holding poses. Yoga is a philosophy on how to live life and deal with challenges that human beings face daily. It can be a spiritual practise, very rewarding and enlightening.
Yogis would study and practise hatha yoga as well as pranayama (breathe control). The yoga exercises that we practise during a yoga class are a very gentle form of yoga in comparison to the advanced asanas the yogis would practise. This was their first step when preparing for meditation. The physical act of yoga calms the body and allows the mind to become calm as well. It gives us the physical strength to sustain long periods of meditation which is what the sages used yoga asanas for. They used yoga asanas as a technique to prepare physically for the practise of the spiritual side of yoga.
Now days ... when we attend a yoga class, we are likely to just be engaging in a very small portion of the yoga discipline as it was practised thousands of years ago. Yoga is an incredible form of exercise and is very good for the body, but it can also be used as a spiritual practise. This is what yoga meditation is all about.
Be sure to check program times and information if you would like to come to yoga asana stretch classes or Yoga Nidra guided meditation.
If you would like to attend a FREE yoga meditation class.
email: yogameditationpalmbeach@gmail.com
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