Friday, 24 February 2012

Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach 4221- Christmas And Lord Jesus.

This is a pretty funny caption.

Not exactly sure why I decided to post this one apart from the fact that the Christmas season has recently come and gone.

When I was a child, Christmas was all about going to church, nativity scenes, school plays depicting the life and especially the birth of Lord Jesus Christ. It seemed as though everywhere you went you were confronted with reminders of little baby Jesus and it was really nice.

Yes ... we gave each other gifts and families got together and we all tried to be on our best behaviour even around 'prickly' Aunt Mary, or stuck up Aunt Rosie. We practised, patience and tolerance and basically - good will to all men. It was a time and an opportunity to mend bridges. If we had, had a falling out with a family member, we practised 'forgiveness' or 'kindness' 'genorosity' 'charity' All of those lovely things came into focus during the Christmas season. We tried to 'be good' at least during that time, out of a sense of respect and a feeling that we wanted to please Lord Jesus and God. Like we knew intuitively that to behave in such a way was the right thing to do.

Most of us were bought up as church goers and as children we went to the occasional Sunday school class where we were taught to be respectful, helpful, generous of spirit and so on. All of these nice
qualities were instilled in us due to the teachings of Lord Jesus.

How quickly society and world views change. I miss the Christmas season as it was back then, when I was a child. I miss seeing the nativity scenes everywhere and the message of Lord Jesus and Jesus movies being broadcast on telly. Such badly made movies they were, but I would always get sucked into them. I couldn't help but admire that great personality - Lord Jesus and the great determination he had, the huge sacrifice he made because he loved us and he loved God. Thinking of those who condemned him with compassion as demonstrated clearly by his words 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do.' How incredible is that ..! An absolutely, awesomely, amazing person, lover of God, a true teacher by example.  

Thank you is so NOT enough.  BUT I struggle to find ANY words to express the depth of admiration one feels so, will leave it as that.Thinking about him and all that he tried to give us, the ultimate of all gifts ... love for the father, I come to the conclusion that if 'we' all of us as individuals try to follow his first commandment and his second he would be happy.

Again I say, he was a truly remarkable individual. An absolutely super incredible person, son and lover of God. His writings, or his words as contained in the Bible today amount to just a few pages BUT his instructions were just as clear then as they are now.

Commandment 1

'Love thy God with all thy heart, thy mind, thy soul, they entire being'

Commandment 2

'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'

I think that if we try to at least follow both of these commandments, Lord Jesus would be both happy with and proud of us. In fact all of the great saints and sages present today and all of those who have ever walked this planet would be smiling.

They come to this earth to help us. They teach by example and offer us guidance while they are here. When they depart this world they remain with us still, in their written words. They want us to experience true happiness. They, experience true happiness and because they love and care for us, (and all living beings) they give us the means by which we can come to that same condition of true happiness.

As we know, Lord Jesus practised meditation. The types of meditations taught at the Yoga Meditation Studio are prayers and are very comforting, very soothing, very satisfying to us the soul. Truly, lovely ways of meditating. You can experience it for yourself when you find your way here.

If you would like to know a little more about yoga meditation you are very welcome to contact us. We run a few classes a week as a community service. Everyone is welcome.

Wishing you well
Yoga Meditation Studio 
Palm Beach 4221


"From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised."

-Old Testament, Psalms 113: 3    

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