Saturday 24 March 2012

Yoga Meditation Studio 4221 - Coconut Water ... SO Good for us :)

Top 10 Benefits of Coconut Water

1. Prevent Muscle Cramps- One of the biggest coconut water benefits is the prevention of muscle cramps. Coconut water is high in potassium and a deficiency in this mineral can cause cramps in your muscles.

2. Replenish Fluids In The Body- The benefits of coconut milk include the fact that this drink is very hydrating and can replenish water lost during exercise or physical activity.

3. Stronger Bones- Coconut water is rich in calcium which is needed for healthy bones, muscles, and other tissues. Calcium is also needed for optimal heart health, and a deficiency can cause serious problems.

4. Provides Many Electrolytes- The electrolytes found in this drink also count as one of the coconut water benefits. Electrolytes are needed for almost all bodily processes and functions.

5. Healthy Weight Loss- This drink is viewed as one of the healthy ways to lose weight because it is all natural and contains no added chemicals or other ingredients. The liquid from the coconut has been used for centuries in many areas of the world with positive weight benefits.

6. Beautiful Hair- All of the nutrients contained in coconut water make it an ideal hair treatment for gorgeous locks. The water can be consumed and it can also be used to wash your hair.

7. Healthy Skin- Coconut water benefits include beautiful skin that stays younger looking. The nutritional support offered by this drink helps skin cells stay healthy longer and prevents signs of ageing.

8. Recovery After Pregnancy- Coconut water can be very beneficial if you are trying to recover after giving birth. The nutrition and hydration provided can make this fluid ideal for losing weight after pregnancy.

9. Bloating Treatment- Bloating treatment and prevention is another one of the top coconut water benefits. You will feel more comfortable and flatulence is minimised.

10. Better Digestion- Coconut water can minimise digestive problems and promote good digestive health. The coconut water nutrition facts show that this drink is also very nutritious and healthy.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Yoga Meditation Palm Beach 4221 - The heart is like a garden Grow compassion :)

com·pas·sion [kuhm-pash-uhn]


A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

A True Yogi -

A fully transcendental and fully enlightened personality feels deep concern and sympathy for ALL living beings especially those who have not yet awakened ... to their spiritual, transcendental nature.

All self realised souls are experiencing an amazingly profound connection with the supreme soul, a relationship which automatically includes an incredible amount of happiness and joy.They tell us that this same blissful experience is available for all sentient beings regardless of race, gender, or age etc., They tell us that this spiritual quest is the prime duty for all human beings and ultimately, all living entities.

In this age, known  as the age of Kali, or Kali Yuga - we are especially fortunate. In one very special way we are fortunate indeed. In this particular yuga, unlike in previous yugas where the quest for enlightenment or self - realisation meant that one needed to undergo many arduous austerities - in this  yuga we are able to attain the same perfect result (self-realisation) as the yogi's did 1000's of years ago simply by following a very clear and easy process.

There are no hard and fast rules, we can practise privately, or we can practise with our friends or family members. We can get together in small numbers or HUGE groups and sing or repeat the sweet, very beautiful sound vibrations (also known as yoga mantras) the names of the supreme. The supreme person - our eternal best friend, and ever well-wisher.

The transcendental personalities who are living their connection with the supreme, tell us that we also have this connection, but we have forgotten it. They encourage us to hook up spiritually through meditation. Yoga Mantra Meditation is the recommended process in this day and age for reconnecting spiritually and coming to the condition of remembrance. Just by adding the singing of the names of the supreme to our lives we are able to wake up from the condition of sleep and forgetfulness that we are currently in. We gradually start to remember who we are, our spiritual identity, and how important it is to live a holistic balanced lifestyle, nurturing body, mind and spirit.

We begin to appreciate how important each second of our life is. We more and more begin to value time and appreciate the fact that we should spend it wisely, in pursuit of spiritual remembrance, rather than fritter it away solely in the pursuit of material goodies. Each second, every moment is incredibly precious, once gone we can never get it back. Economic development has its place in our lifes journey  BUT our quest for spiritual truth should be our number one priority.

It is good to be aware of the fact that when it comes time to leave our body, what we have been able to accrue spiritually is all that we can take with us, that's it, that's all...! Nothing else! We can't take the billion dollars we may have spent our lifetime working to get. Money, material possessions, name, fame, all of that is no good to us when it time for us to give up this mortal coil. We cannot take any of it with us, all of the material things we have collected during our lifetime remains behind. I say again "We can't take any of it with us." Now, this could sound depressing, to think our entire lives may have been spent 'gathering' ...! All of our time used up accumulating 'stuff' that in the end has NO value. We could however see this in a positive light and use this knowledge as a really good motivator. We can now think very carefully and choose wisely how to spend our time. A balanced lifestyle body, mind, spirit is an absolute necessity for human beings as is the quest for spiritual wisdom.

We have all experienced that it can be extremely difficult to navigate through life. I find the simple task of reading a regular street map to be a very daunting challenge, let alone trying to figure out the very complicated map of LIFE ... and how best to live it.

When we have quiet contemplative moments we should ask ourselves. What is life about? How can I live my life in the most positive way? How can I get the most out of life?

Fortunately there are answers. Answers to any question you may have ever had. For those who desire, seek out, or choose the path of a spiritual quest, there is help at hand. We are not left to try to figure it out all by ourselves. There is a road map, a perfect plan and a well trodden path forged by numerous souls who have sojourned before us on their journey along the road to spiritual success. No detail has been left out, this blueprint has been scientifically explained, all we need to do is follow.

A very simple road. A very satisfying and joyful path.

If you would like further details feel welcome to contact us, or come along to a FREE yoga meditation class.


Yoga Meditation Studio
Palm Beach 4221