Sunday, 25 November 2012

Yoga Asana - Full body stretch

 Full body stretch

This is a good stretch to do any time of the day or night. It has a nice energising effect on the whole body. 

How To:

  • Lie down on your mat.
  • Bring your hands into prayer position at the heart.
  • Inhale and raise your hands over head keeping palms together.
  • Lengthen through the belly, torso, and rib cage. Feel the spine lengthen, exhale and soften the arms.
  • Inhale and point the feet, exhale and flex the feet.
  • Repeat the sequence 2 more times.
  • When you've finished your reps, bring the hands back into prayer and then rest them at your sides. Let the feet be floppy and rest for 3 full breath cycles.


  • If you have high blood pressure don't raise your arms above your head. Instead extend your arms out to the side at shoulder height.
  • If you have shoulder problems do the same as with high blood pressure.
  • Do not do this stretch if you have serious ankle, shoulder or back problems.
  • Decompress's the spine.
  • Increases circulation.
  • Is both energising and relaxing.
If you would like to attend a regular yoga stretch class, contact us here at yoga meditation palm beach 4221 for our yoga stretch class schedule.

Before attempting any of these stretches seek advise from your doctor. We can not and will not be responsible for any injury caused by your attempt to exercise following these instructions.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

What is Harmony - Yoga Meditation Studio 4221 Palm Beach

What is Harmony?
A quick Google search will result in numerous results. Such as;
The dynamic balance that returns discord to tranquility. A state of equilibrium or equipoise.
Further searches reveal that a synonym of harmony is peace.
The question is how much harmony, peace or balance do we have in our lives? Research shows that the majority of us work full time, have 2.16 children, a mortgage and a 4 bedroom home, 2 cars, and a pet or two.
A combined 95 hour work week is not uncommon for the bread winners of an average family.
When so much of our time is taken up maintaining basic needs, there’s little wonder that our lives are in discord, that we feel pressured, stressed out and always running out of time.

Yoga meditation studio Palm Beach offers classes which will help you to relax and re-balance.

We need a combination of elements in our lives in order to create a more holistic living environment, and to exist in a state of harmony, balance & peace. The yoga teachings encourage a healthy holistic life of physical, mental and spiritual well being.
Economic development is necessary as we need to raise and support our families, but consider these words of wisdom. 
"Man cannot live by bread alone."
So much of our time is taken up maintaining the physical that we seldom consider, let alone have time to devote to, the nurturing of our mental emotional and spiritual well-being.
In order to live in harmony we need to have a balance of all three. Physical, mental and spiritual .
Come along to one of our yoga meditation palm beach classes, enquire about FREE yoga meditation classes and discover how this enjoyable practise of yoga meditation can help you to lead a more balanced life.

Stay well.